Some myths and facts about BANANA-
Banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world which it owes to its nice taste, high nutritional values and very cheap prices. It is energy-rich with 90 calories per 100 grams of flesh. However following are some unpopular facts about this fruit.
• Myth-
Banana is rich in dietary fiber so can be consumed for easy bowel moments.
✓ Fact-
It causes constipation (due to its high amount of starch) if consumed more than two on a regular basis.
Apart from that it also causes bloating because the fibers are not as easily absorbed.
• Myth-
The vitamin C content makes it not suitable for consumption during cough and cold as it aggravates it.
✓ Fact-
The vitamin C content makes it more suitable for anemic patients. The symptoms of cold and cough are not seen in regular patterns. This proves the fact that it may be due to the person’s own allergies or eating patterns. The other major reason behind it maybe the wrong combination of bananas and other foods consumed.
• Myth-
Banana is fit for everyone.
✓ Fact-
People suffering from diabetes should eat it in strict moderation due to it ’s sugar contents. Banana triggers migraine pain. Hence people suffering from migraine are advised only half a banana a day.
• Myth-
Two bananas a day make up for all your nutrient requirements.
✓ Fact-
If bananas dominate your diet; your stomach has little space for other healthy foods. According to USDA guidelines, you should get two cups of fruit per day. Even after having banana there is yet room left for adding vegetables, grains, proteins; all in your diet.
• Myth-
Bananas are helpful in your weight loss routine.
✓ Fact-
Bananas may keep you full but they have very high calories and sugars. So you might have to look for better options if you gotta lose that fat. If not then definitely Go Bananas!
• Myth-
Don‘t eat fruits at night.
✓ Fact-
This is because our body has the tendency to break the sugar more in the morning than in the evening. Exception to this, Bananas help relax your muscles in your body with a neuroprotective effect. Magnesium calms stress hormones and so can promote a sound sleep.