Task Data Center FAQs – Lion Bridge Work Procedure

What is TCR and how is it calculated?​ 

TCR stands for “task completion rate” and represents the average number of tasks you completed per hour during a given period.

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TCR is equal to the number of tasks you completed divided by the number of hours you entered to complete them. For example, if you completed 400 tasks in a week and logged 10 hours of time, your hourly TCR for the week would be 40.

Note: The TCR rounds to the nearest whole number. If your TCR calculation is less than 0.5, it will display in the Task Data Center as 0. If you logged hours for a given week but did not complete any tasks, your TCR will be blank.

How frequently will the Task Data Center be updated?

The Task Data Center will be updated each Wednesday to display your tasks completed, hours entered and hourly TCR for the previous week. Data will be displayed only if you have completed tasks within the past 2 months.

Do I still need to enter tasks in my timesheet? ​

No, you do not need to enter your tasks in your timesheet; your tasks will automatically be recorded and updated.

Do I still need to log the time I’ve worked?​

Yes, you still need to log the time you’ve worked. To ensure accuracy of the information captured on the Task Data Center, please continue to log your time daily in your timesheet and use Clockify to track your time. As a reminder, the timesheet week runs from Monday to Sunday.

Which time zone is used to record the task counts? 

The task counts are recorded in the Pacific time zone (PT).

Why is there a difference between the task counts I have noted versus the task counts on the Task Data Center? ​

The reason may be due to the time zone. Task counts are recorded in the Pacific time zone (PT), and if you are recording your tasks in your local time zone there will be a difference.

This also may be due to the type of task you are rating. For example, some tasks (such as image tasks) contain several elements to rate but should only be counted as one task in total.

How can I increase my TCR?

There are two primary ways to increase TCR:

  1. Ensure you are rating at optimal efficiency.
    1. Make sure you have a high-speed internet connection in your home.
    2. Minimize distractions in your workspace.
    3. Read instructions carefully before you complete a task.
    4. If you are finding tasks difficult to complete, visit the Rater Knowledge Base (available under the Quality section of the Lionbridge Community Portal) or reach out to a member of the support team.
  2. Ensure your timesheet is accurate.
    1. Only log time from when you started a task to when you completed it.
      Logging any additional time will cause your TCR to decrease.
    2. When taking breaks, make sure to log out of EWOQ fully.
      Do not leave tasks open.
    3. When you are finished rating for the day, close your browser.
    4. Remember to update your timesheet every day.

What will happen if my TCR is consistently below expectations?

All raters are expected to work at an acceptable TCR while producing high-quality data through their ratings. The information on the Task Data Center details the target TCR levels you should be achieving on a regular basis.

Raters whose TCR consistently falls below expectations may be subject to removal from the program.

Some tasks require you to watch a video, should I watch the entire video to ensure I provide a quality results, as some videos are more than 5 minutes in length?

Always start by reading the instructions. Tasks containing videos can have different instructions, so a “one size fits all” approach will not maximize your success in rating.

There are many instances where skipping through portions of the video in order to gain a complete understanding of it will be the most efficient way to complete a task. Do not be afraid to do so, if the instructions allow. Different tasks will require varying levels of comprehension in order to rate, so the instructions are always your starting point for guidance.

YouTube videos also have a function to speed up the playback of a video, which can be very helpful in certain instances. This setting will allow you to gain a more complete understanding of the video itself in a shorter amount of time, although it may take a few tries before you find the best balance between video speed and viewing quality for you personally.

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