Tag Archives: Lion Bridge Ad Accessor exam tips

Page Vertical Evaluation – Lionbridge Ad accessor Study Meterial

LIONBRIDGE- AD accessor Exam Tips

In each task, you will be given a YouTube page and one or more categories. Your job is to evaluate how well the categories describe the page at hand. For each task: Carefully look at the page’s content. Browse the text on the page to determine the topic(s). Please skim through the video to determine the […]

Ad Content Filtering Images and Text – Lion Bridge Ad Accessor exam tips

LIONBRIDGE- AD accessor Exam Tips

help v2.9: Feb 2nd 2021 ⚠ NOTE: Guidelines have been updated. Please pay attention to the following changes: 1. The Reference to Death category has been updated2. The Medical Treatments category has been updated3. The rating of the Santander example in ‘Note on Prominence in Video Ads’ has been changed from PG to T Task summary […]