In this project, you will evaluate whether a particular user is likely to be interested in things related to a keyword. You will assess the user’s current interests by evaluating the cached content of a page they are visiting. You will then evaluate a keyword and determine whether this user is or might be interested in things related to the keyword.
The Task
Evaluating the User’s Current Page
Open the user’s current page using the Open cached page HTML button. You should review the textual content on the cached page until you have a sense of the main ideas and concepts on it.
Because you are reviewing the cached page HTML, the user’s page will have most of the non-textual content stripped out. So, the layout may be affected, and you may have to scroll to thoroughly evaluate the page.
You may also see an Open cached page image button. You can use the cached page image for context or in order to help you understand how the page is intended to be displayed, which will help you find the main content. However, you should base your evaluation of the page on the cached page HTML.
Boilerplate text like the navigation menu and any text not related to the main content should be considered as contributing to minor topics of the page.
If the main content of the content page is an image or video, please look for textual information associated with the image or video that explains what it is about. This text could be a title, caption, or short description. Do not consider comments when viewing YouTube pages.
NOTE: If a cached page is not available for this task, please use the live page for rating. There will be a note below the live page button if this is the case.
Part 1: Page Classification
First, select one of the following classifiers that best describes the page’s content:
Classifier: | Definition: | Examples: |
Topical Content | The main content of the page is primarily focused on a single topic or a small number of topics. Additional secondary, minor, or sidebar topics are okay, as long as the page is mostly about one or a few topics. | A news articleA sports forumA blog mostly about cooking |
Diverse Content | The main content of the page is divided among several or many different topics. | A portal pageThe homepage of a newspaperA list of links or articles that are not focused around a single subject areaA list of products for sale that are not focused |
Fictional Content | The main content of the page consists of fictional (non-real) material. | Song lyricsExcerpts from a novelFan fictionVideo game walk-through |
Low-Text Content | The main content of the page contains very little or no text. | VideosImages with minimal captionsComics |
Part 2: User Assessment
Now that you have thoroughly reviewed the user’s current page, you can develop a profile of the user’s current interests. Think about the types of products, services, ideas, and activities a user who is visiting this page is seeking or might be interested in (i.e. current content of the page, as well as anything related to the content on the page).
Evaluating the Keyword
A keyword consists of one or more words that represent one or more concepts. Review the keyword and consider its meaning and scope. What things does the keyword represent? You can research the keyword to augment your understanding, but remember that the keyword is not a query; the keyword represents concepts and not a specific user intent.
Now that you have a good understanding of the keyword’s scope and meanings, recall your profile of the user’s current interests. If the keyword contains a specific location, you can assume the user belongs to that location:
Given the user’s current interests, is the user likely to be interested in things related to the keyword?
Choose your rating based on these categories and descriptions:
Very Likely
The keyword represents or captures products, concepts, or services the user is currently interested in.
Somewhat Likely
The keyword represents or captures products, concepts, or services related to the user’s current interests, or that may appeal to the user given their current interests; and/or: It is plausible that the user might become interested in things related to the keyword, perhaps impulsively, even though the connection with the keyword is somewhat weak.
The keyword captures products, concepts, or services weakly related to the user’s current interests. It is unlikely the user is interested or would become interested in things related to the keyword, but there is still a weak connection.
Very Unlikely
There is no reason to believe that the user might be interested in things related to the keyword more than any random internet user. There is no connection at all between the user’s current interests and things related to the keyword.
Please carefully review the below examples to calibrate your ratings:
User’s Current Page: | Keyword: | Rating: | Explanation: |
healthcare facilities expo/conference info | healthcare technology | Very Likely | The user’s page shows information about a healthcare conference for the hospital and medical equipment industry, so we already know that the user is currently interested in things related to the keyword, “healthcare technology”. |
reverse phone lookup | cellphone directory lookup | Very Likely | The user is interested in reverse phone lookup and the keyword captures very similar services, so we already know that the user is interested in things related to the keyword. |
table of prayer times for Muslims in Chicago | muslim fashion | Somewhat Likely | The user is viewing Muslim prayer times, so we know that the user may be interested in certain Muslim-related things in general, given their current interests. The keyword “muslim fashion” falls into this category; it is related to the user’s current interests and represents things that may appeal to this user. |
hotmail signup page | business email | Somewhat Likely | The keyword represents products/services related to the user’s current interests. The keyword captures products and services that may appeal to this user, who we know is interested in creating an email account. |
math worksheet for kids about 3D shapes | multiplication | Somewhat Likely | The user is currently interested in a kids’ math lesson about shapes, so it is reasonable to interpret that things related to “multiplication” might appeal to this user. |
listicle “10 movies that couldn’t have happened without cellphones” | mobile phone advertising | Unlikely | The user is reading a fun article about movies, so their current interests are not primarily related to “mobile phone advertising”, and it is not plausible that they might become interested in things related to that keyword given their current interests. However, since there is still a weak connection since the article mentions cellphones, so we use ‘Unlikely’ rather than ‘Very Unlikely’. |
question on an exam for aircraft personnel | Aspen chartered flight | Unlikely | There is a weak connection between the scope of the keyword and the user’s current interests (flights, aircraft, etc.) but it is unlikely that things related to “Aspen chartered flight” would appeal to this user, who is interested in an employment exam. |
job listings page (keyword not on page) | jcpenney | Very Unlikely | The user is interested in job listings. There is no reason to believe that the user would be interested in things related to a department store (shopping, clothing, etc.) more than any random internet user. There is no connection between the scope of the keyword and the user’s current interests. |
article about rennet | free online investing | Very Unlikely | The user is reading an article about rennet in cheese making. There is no reason to believe the user would interested in things related to “free online investing” more than any random internet user. The scope of the keyword does not overlap with what we can deduce about the user’s current and possible interests, and there is not even a weak connection. |
youtube music video (drake bell) | plus size tops women | Very Unlikely | The scope of the keyword and the user’s current interests don’t overlap at all; there is no reason to believe the user would be interested in things related to this keyword more than any random internet user. |